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Local Lawn Care Franchise Expands to East Dallas Area, Bringing Science-Backed Expertise to Homeowners
May 08, 2024
Weed Man’s Largest Multi-Unit Franchise Ownership Group is “Head and Shoulders above the Competition”
The 2024 lawn care season is in full swing, and with it comes a brand new Weed Man location servicing customers in the East Dallas area. The new location is owned and operated by Epic3, Weed Man’s largest multi-unit ownership group, which also operates an impressive 24 Weed Man locations in Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin. That’s a lot of experience and expertise on the Epic3 team, and their lawn care program is optimized for success with southern grass varieties found in and around Texas, such as St. Augustine grass and Bermudagrass. “We have a really strong brand in the Austin marketplace,” says Shane Griffith, one of the owners of Weed Man’s Epic3 group. “People love their Weed Man lawns. We've perfected our craft in the Austin market, so it made a lot of sense to provide that same level of care to Dallas lawns.” These incredible results on the lawn are backed by science, thanks, in large part, to Epic3’s Director of Operations, Dr. Brad DeBels, who holds a PhD in Soil Science and a B.S in Agronomy. It’s pretty clear that all of Epic3’s scientific research and program optimization has resulted in lush, healthy lawns and customer satisfaction across their territories. “I think that we're head and shoulders above a lot of our competition [in regions with southern grass types],” says Kyle Lyne, Director of Marketing at the Epic3 group. “You can just see when you drive down a street in a neighborhood in Austin, and you look at all the lawns that are good, and lawns that aren't good. There's a great chance that you can tell not only which ones have lawn care, but which ones have us.” The new Weed Man Dallas East location also brings opportunities for new and existing employees to grow their green industry careers with Epic3. “Our team continues to grow and expand to provide opportunities for people to grow into leaders," says Andy Kurth, another owner at the Epic3 group. “There is nothing more rewarding than seeing our team members buy their first car, buy their first home, or start a family. We can't wait for all the new team members who will join Epic3 in the Dallas area.” “We're driven by the excitement of our new team members,” agrees Shane Griffith. “We have many young Lawn Technicians who join our organization with little knowledge of the industry and quickly get hooked. We teach them the agronomics and service standards, and they can relate to the family feel.” Weed Man’s Epic3 group also has a strong track record of supporting local communities through significant donations and community outreach initiatives. Most recently, they presented a generous donation of $42,000 to the Ronald McDonald House in Milwaukee, WI and donated about 20,000 pounds of food to local food banks in Idaho, Utah, Wisconsin, Illinois, Colorado, and Texas! The new Weed Man Dallas East location officially opened its doors at the start of the year, and the Weed Man team is ready to hit the ground running for the 2024 lawn care season.